Eternal Love Collection
21 products
Love takes many forms in all of our lives. The heart is the universal symbol for Love.The “Eternal Love Collection”originates from the creation of “Eternal Love” which was introduced in my 2021 “Endless Summer Collection”.This is a “living” collection. Meaning that I will create additional renditions as I continue through my artistry journey. With each completed painting my mission for this evolving body of work to encapsulate the intricate beauty of everything that Love is—
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Viceroy DC X Dunnie O.
18 products
Dunnie Onasanya is the Artist-in-Residence at the Viceroy Washington DC, where she is exploring new creative horizons and engaging with the community through workshops, vibrant events, and captivating exhibitions.
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8 products
Welcome to the captivating world of 'Thrive,' where expressionist abstract art meets divine opulence. This collection of eight framed original paintings is a celebration of vitality and resilience. The works embody a symphony of colors, textures, adornments of shimmering gold leaf along with intricate glass accents
Through bold brushstrokes and dynamic compositions, Dunnie captures the essence of growth, renewal, and the indomitable spirit of life. 'Thrive' empowers you to explore the depths of your imagination and embrace the beauty of transformation.
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5 products
“This series provides a spotlight for the artist Dunnie Onasanya who is an Nigerian-American abstract painter, NMAfA exhibitions, and the abstract painting art form within the African Diasporic community.This specific art-based therapy is a deliberate use of art-making that will positively enhance the psychological and emotional wellness of participants & provide them with an outlet to express their internal feelings while fostering healing and promoting self-love.”
— Smithsonian National Museum of African Art (NMAfA)
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24 products
Step into the world of Dunnie Studio Exclusives, where art transcends boundaries and imagination knows no limits. Each piece is a testament to creativity unleashed, meticulously crafted to evoke emotion and ignite the senses. From captivating paintings, every creation is a masterpiece in its own right, born from the depths of an artist's soul.
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9 products
Art that radiates happiness.
The Namaste Collection is all about the powerful symbolism of our inner light, liberation, and the cycle of birth and rebirth.
This entire body of work is a visual representation of the fact that we all have the vitallife-force within us to experience the ultimate state of freedom while residing in aperfect place of bliss, delight, happiness and peace.
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The Blue Print Collection is all about the symbolism of trust, loyalty and confidence. This entire body of work is a visual representation of the fact that we are all born with a unique genetic blueprint for genuine happiness and success that resides inside of us. The color blue is beyond dimensions and is the most loved and desired color in the world.
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5 products
The Emerald Collection is all about the symbolism of prosperity, gratitude & abundance.
Emerald is a life-affirming element that opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions. This entire body of work is a visual representation of the fact that Emerald promotes friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enabling and facilitating unconditional love.
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4 products
This collection is the embodiment of genuine JOY and features 10 original expressionist action style painted works of art featuring rich texture & bold vibrant color.
eu·pho·ria | \ yü-ˈfȯr-ē-ə
Is defined as the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being happiness and confidence.
Euphoria is also the act of celebrating that we have been chosen to be alive at this moment in time. Manifesting a euphoric state of mind creates our inner knowing which is a unique bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind where true wisdom resides.
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1 products
The “ONYX COLLECTION” is all about Peace, Elegance, Royalty & Sophistication. Every painting in this collection features the element of ONYX which is visually represented by the color BLACK. ONYX is an element that offers up powerful vibrations of protection, strength, focus, and willpower. It’s presence and energy will continuously push you forward in your life.
Simply viewing any of the artwork in this collection daily will provide a shield around ones aura, refusing to allow negative energy to attach itself to you.
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4 products
The “Endless Summer” 2021 is all about being BOLD, VIBRANT color, andRADIANT energy! Dunnie has put her heart and soul into creating thisbody of work. This collection is a reflection of her passion for living aJOYFUL life filled with LOVE & HAPPINESS. It is her hope and prayer thatat the GOD appointed time, each painting in this special collection willfind its forever home and that it will bring positive energy, love, joy, andlight to their collectors.
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